[Patches] [PATCH] Bug 6894: Order from suggestion defaulting to wrong currency

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From: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83 at web.de>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 17:38:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 6894: Order from suggestion defaulting to wrong currency

This problem turned out to be a bit different, than I initally thought.

This patch fixes the currency selections for new orders created in staff.
Before this patch, the first currency in the list was selected instead
of the active currency. So you needed to change it explicitly.

After patch it should work like this:

1) Suggestion created in OPAC - currency defaults to NULL in database
2) Editing a suggestion created in OPAC will default to active currency.
3) Creating a new suggestion in staff will default to active currency.
4) When ordering, the currency will default to the vendor currency, if no
currency is set in the suggestion. (still happens, when suggestions are accepted
in batch from the list.

I hope this is right - comments and testing appreciated.
 suggestion/suggestion.pl |   10 +++++++++-
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/suggestion/suggestion.pl b/suggestion/suggestion.pl
index d00b632..38b79b9 100755
--- a/suggestion/suggestion.pl
+++ b/suggestion/suggestion.pl
@@ -307,13 +307,21 @@ $template->param( "statusselected_$$suggestion_ref{'STATUS'}" =>1);
 # get currencies and rates
 my @rates = GetCurrencies();
 my $count = scalar @rates;
+my $active_currency = GetCurrency();
+my $selected_currency;
+if ($$suggestion_ref{'currency'}) {
+    $selected_currency = $$suggestion_ref{'currency'};
+else {
+    $selected_currency = $active_currency->{currency};
 my @loop_currency = ();
 for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++ ) {
     my %line;
     $line{currcode} = $rates[$i]->{'currency'};
     $line{rate}     = $rates[$i]->{'rate'};
-	$line{selected} = 1 if ($$suggestion_ref{'currency'} && $line{'currcode'} eq $$suggestion_ref{'currency'});
+	$line{selected} = 1 if ($line{'currcode'} eq $selected_currency);
     push @loop_currency, \%line;

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