[Patches] [PATCH] bug_6210: Select framework if merging two records with different frameworks
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Mon Nov 14 19:35:02 NZDT 2011
From: Srdjan Jankovic <srdjan at catalyst.net.nz>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 19:25:18 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] bug_6210: Select framework if merging two records with different frameworks
C4/Biblio.pm | 39 +++---
cataloguing/merge.pl | 136 +++++++++++--------
.../prog/en/modules/cataloguing/merge.tt | 39 +++++-
3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/C4/Biblio.pm b/C4/Biblio.pm
index 8747cc5..2c440d1 100644
--- a/C4/Biblio.pm
+++ b/C4/Biblio.pm
@@ -1043,9 +1043,13 @@ for the given frameworkcode
sub GetMarcFromKohaField {
my ( $kohafield, $frameworkcode ) = @_;
- return 0, 0 unless $kohafield and defined $frameworkcode;
+ return (0, undef) unless $kohafield and defined $frameworkcode;
my $relations = C4::Context->marcfromkohafield;
- return ( $relations->{$frameworkcode}->{$kohafield}->[0], $relations->{$frameworkcode}->{$kohafield}->[1] );
+ if ( my $mf = $relations->{$frameworkcode}->{$kohafield} ) {
+ return @$mf;
+ }
+ warn qq{No marc tags for framework "$frameworkcode" field $kohafield};
+ return (0, undef);
=head2 GetMarcBiblio
@@ -3182,9 +3186,24 @@ sub _koha_marc_update_bib_ids {
# we drop the original field
# we add the new builded field.
my ( $biblio_tag, $biblio_subfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( "biblio.biblionumber", $frameworkcode );
+ die qq{No biblionumber tag for framework "$frameworkcode"} unless $biblio_tag;
my ( $biblioitem_tag, $biblioitem_subfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( "biblioitems.biblioitemnumber", $frameworkcode );
+ die qq{No biblioitemnumber tag for framework "$frameworkcode"} unless $biblio_tag;
+ if ( $biblio_tag == $biblioitem_tag ) {
+ # biblionumber & biblioitemnumber are in the same field (can't be <10 as fields <10 have only 1 value)
+ my $new_field = MARC::Field->new(
+ $biblio_tag, '', '',
+ "$biblio_subfield" => $biblionumber,
+ "$biblioitem_subfield" => $biblioitemnumber
+ );
- if ( $biblio_tag != $biblioitem_tag ) {
+ # drop old field and create new one...
+ my $old_field = $record->field($biblio_tag);
+ $record->delete_field($old_field) if $old_field;
+ $record->insert_fields_ordered($new_field);
+ } else {
# biblionumber & biblioitemnumber are in different fields
@@ -3212,20 +3231,6 @@ sub _koha_marc_update_bib_ids {
$old_field = $record->field($biblioitem_tag);
$record->delete_field($old_field) if $old_field;
- } else {
- # biblionumber & biblioitemnumber are in the same field (can't be <10 as fields <10 have only 1 value)
- my $new_field = MARC::Field->new(
- $biblio_tag, '', '',
- "$biblio_subfield" => $biblionumber,
- "$biblioitem_subfield" => $biblioitemnumber
- );
- # drop old field and create new one...
- my $old_field = $record->field($biblio_tag);
- $record->delete_field($old_field) if $old_field;
- $record->insert_fields_ordered($new_field);
diff --git a/cataloguing/merge.pl b/cataloguing/merge.pl
index e3ee725..3d23cfa 100755
--- a/cataloguing/merge.pl
+++ b/cataloguing/merge.pl
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use C4::Auth;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Serials;
+use C4::Koha;
use C4::Reserves qw/MergeHolds/;
my $input = new CGI;
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ if ($merge) {
# Rewriting the leader
- my $frameworkcode = &GetFrameworkCode($tobiblio);
+ my $frameworkcode = $input->param('frameworkcode');
my @notmoveditems;
# Modifying the reference record
@@ -108,77 +109,98 @@ if ($merge) {
push @errors, $error if ($error);
- # Errors
- my @errors_loop = map{{error => $_}}@errors;
# Parameters
- errors => \@errors_loop,
result => 1,
biblio1 => $input->param('biblio1')
# Show records to merge
} else {
my $mergereference = $input->param('mergereference');
my $biblionumber = $input->param('biblionumber');
- my $data1 = GetBiblioData($biblionumber[0]);
- my $data2 = GetBiblioData($biblionumber[1]);
- # Ask the user to choose which record will be the kept
- if (not $mergereference) {
- $template->param(
- choosereference => 1,
- biblio1 => $biblionumber[0],
- biblio2 => $biblionumber[1],
- title1 => $data1->{'title'},
- title2 => $data2->{'title'}
- );
- } else {
- if (scalar(@biblionumber) != 2) {
- push @errors, "An unexpected number of records was provided for merging. Currently only two records at a time can be merged.";
- }
- # Checks if both records use the same framework
- my $frameworkcode1 = &GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber[0]);
- my $frameworkcode2 = &GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber[1]);
- my $framework;
- if ($frameworkcode1 ne $frameworkcode2) {
- push @errors, "The records selected for merging are using different frameworks. Currently merging is only available for records using the same framework.";
- } else {
- $framework = $frameworkcode1;
- }
- # Getting MARC Structure
- my $tagslib = GetMarcStructure(1, $framework);
- my $notreference = ($biblionumber[0] == $mergereference) ? $biblionumber[1] : $biblionumber[0];
- # Creating a loop for display
- my @record1 = _createMarcHash(GetMarcBiblio($mergereference), $tagslib);
- my @record2 = _createMarcHash(GetMarcBiblio($notreference), $tagslib);
- # Errors
- my @errors_loop = map{{error => $_}}@errors;
- # Parameters
- $template->param(
- errors => \@errors_loop,
- biblio1 => $mergereference,
- biblio2 => $notreference,
- mergereference => $mergereference,
- record1 => @record1,
- record2 => @record2,
- framework => $framework
- );
+ if (scalar(@biblionumber) != 2) {
+ push @errors, "An unexpected number of records was provided for merging. Currently only two records at a time can be merged.";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $data1 = GetBiblioData($biblionumber[0]);
+ my $data2 = GetBiblioData($biblionumber[1]);
+ # Checks if both records use the same framework
+ my $frameworkcode1 = &GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber[0]);
+ my $frameworkcode2 = &GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber[1]);
+ if ($mergereference) {
+ my $framework;
+ if ($frameworkcode1 ne $frameworkcode2) {
+ $framework = $input->param('frameworkcode')
+ or push @errors, "Famework not selected.";
+ } else {
+ $framework = $frameworkcode1;
+ }
+ # Getting MARC Structure
+ my $tagslib = GetMarcStructure(1, $framework);
+ my $notreference = ($biblionumber[0] == $mergereference) ? $biblionumber[1] : $biblionumber[0];
+ # Creating a loop for display
+ my @record1 = _createMarcHash(GetMarcBiblio($mergereference), $tagslib);
+ my @record2 = _createMarcHash(GetMarcBiblio($notreference), $tagslib);
+ # Parameters
+ $template->param(
+ biblio1 => $mergereference,
+ biblio2 => $notreference,
+ mergereference => $mergereference,
+ record1 => @record1,
+ record2 => @record2,
+ framework => $framework,
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ # Ask the user to choose which record will be the kept
+ $template->param(
+ choosereference => 1,
+ biblio1 => $biblionumber[0],
+ biblio2 => $biblionumber[1],
+ title1 => $data1->{'title'},
+ title2 => $data2->{'title'}
+ );
+ if ($frameworkcode1 ne $frameworkcode2) {
+ my $frameworks = getframeworks;
+ my @frameworkselect;
+ foreach my $thisframeworkcode ( keys %$frameworks ) {
+ my %row = (
+ value => $thisframeworkcode,
+ frameworktext => $frameworks->{$thisframeworkcode}->{'frameworktext'},
+ );
+ if ($frameworkcode1 eq $thisframeworkcode){
+ $row{'selected'} = 1;
+ }
+ push @frameworkselect, \%row;
+ }
+ $template->param(
+ frameworkselect => \@frameworkselect,
+ frameworkcode1 => $frameworkcode1,
+ frameworkcode2 => $frameworkcode2,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+if (@errors) {
+ # Errors
+ my @errors_loop = map{{error => $_}}@errors;
+ $template->param( errors => \@errors_loop );
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/merge.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/merge.tt
index 0d8a84c..3300f78 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/merge.tt
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/merge.tt
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
+function changeFramework(fw) {
+ $("#Frameworks").val(fw);
@@ -194,10 +198,34 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
<form id="mergeform" action="/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/merge.pl" method="post">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Merge reference</legend>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="border-width: 0px; text-align: left">
- <li class="radio"><input type="radio" value="[% biblio1 %]" checked="checked" id="mergereference1" name="mergereference" /><label style="float:none" for="mergereference1">[% title1 %] ([% biblio1 %])</label></li>
- <li class="radio"><input type="radio" value="[% biblio2 %]" id="mergereference2" name="mergereference" /><label style="float:none" for="mergereference2">[% title2 %] ([% biblio2 %])</label></li>
+ <li class="radio"><input type="radio" value="[% biblio1 %]" checked="checked" id="mergereference1" name="mergereference" onclick="changeFramework('[% frameworkcode1 %]')" /><label style="float:none" for="mergereference1">[% title1 %] ([% biblio1 %])</label></li>
+ <li class="radio"><input type="radio" value="[% biblio2 %]" id="mergereference2" name="mergereference" onclick="changeFramework('[% frameworkcode2 %]')" /><label style="float:none" for="mergereference2">[% title2 %] ([% biblio2 %])</label></li>
+ </td>
+ <td style="border-width: 0px">
+ [% IF frameworkselect %]
+ <label style="float:none" for="frameworkcode">Framework:</label><br>
+ <select name="frameworkcode" id="Frameworks">
+ <option value="Default">Default</option>
+ [% FOREACH frameworkcodeloo IN frameworkselect %]
+ [% IF ( frameworkcodeloo.selected ) %]
+ <option value="[% frameworkcodeloo.value %]" selected="selected">
+ [% ELSE %]
+ <option value="[% frameworkcodeloo.value %]">
+ [% END %]
+ [% frameworkcodeloo.frameworktext %]
+ </option>
+ [% END %]
+ </select>
+ [% END %]
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblio1 %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblio2 %]" />
<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Next" /></fieldset>
@@ -332,14 +360,15 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
[% END %]
+</div> <!-- // #result -->
+</div> <!-- .yui-u -->
<input type="hidden" name="biblio1" value="[% biblio1 %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="biblio2" value="[% biblio2 %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="mergereference" value="[% mergereference %]" />
+<input type="hidden" name="frameworkcode" value="[% framework %]" />
-</div> <!-- // #result -->
-</div> <!-- .yui-u -->
<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" name="merge" value="Merge" /></fieldset>
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