[Patches] [PATCH] New version for updatedatabase

koha-patchbot at kohaaloha.com koha-patchbot at kohaaloha.com
Thu Nov 24 03:25:03 NZDT 2011

From: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart at biblibre.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:46:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] New version for updatedatabase

This patch use DataTable, see BUG|BZ 6836
      - css/datatables.css
      - lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.dataTables.min.js
      - js/datatables.js

    patch embedded :
        YAML Config file

    add a section
    in your koha-conf.xml

 C4/Update/Database.pm                              |  357 ++++++++++++++++++++
 admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl                    |   62 ++++
 admin/updatedatabase.pl                            |  101 ++++++
 etc/update/database/config.yaml                    |    1 +
 installer/data/mysql/update.pl                     |   28 ++
 installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl             |   15 +
 installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.pl          |   17 +
 installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.sql         |    3 +
 .../intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/staff-global.css     |   10 +-
 .../prog/en/modules/admin/admin-home.tt            |    7 +
 .../prog/en/modules/admin/updatedatabase.tt        |  171 ++++++++++
 11 files changed, 771 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 C4/Update/Database.pm
 create mode 100755 admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl
 create mode 100755 admin/updatedatabase.pl
 create mode 100644 etc/update/database/config.yaml
 create mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/update.pl
 create mode 100755 installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.pl
 create mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.sql
 create mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/updatedatabase.tt

diff --git a/C4/Update/Database.pm b/C4/Update/Database.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8524e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/C4/Update/Database.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+package C4::Update::Database;
+use Modern::Perl;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Config::File::YAML;
+use File::Basename;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
+my $config = C4::Config::File::YAML->new( C4::Context->config("installdir") . qq{/etc/update/database/config.yaml} );
+my $VERSIONS_PATH = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/' . $config->{versions_dir};
+my $version;
+my $list;
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+sub get_filepath {
+    my ( $version ) = @_;
+    my @files = <$VERSIONS_PATH/$version*>;
+    if ( scalar @files != 1 ) {
+        die "This version ($version) returned more than one file (or any) corresponding!";
+    }
+    return $files[0];
+sub get_md5 {
+    my ( $filepath ) = @_;
+    open(FILE, $filepath);
+    my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
+    $ctx->addfile(*FILE);
+    my $md5 = $ctx->hexdigest;
+    close(FILE);
+    return $md5;
+sub execute_version {
+    my ( $version ) = @_;
+    my $report;
+    my $filepath;
+    eval {
+        $filepath = get_filepath $version;
+    };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        return { $version => $@ };
+    }
+    my @file_infos = fileparse( $filepath, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
+    my $extension = $file_infos[2];
+    my $filename = $version . $extension;
+    my $md5 = get_md5 $filepath;
+    my $r = md5_already_exists( $md5 );
+    if ( scalar @$r ) {
+        my $p = @$r[0];
+        $$report{$version} = "This file ( $filepath ) still already execute in version " . @$r[0]->{version} . " : same md5 (" . @$r[0]->{md5} . ")";
+        return $report;
+    }
+    my $queries;
+    given ( $extension ) {
+        when ( /.sql/ ) {
+            $queries = get_queries ( $filepath );
+        }
+        when ( /.pl/ ) {
+            my $versions_dir = C4::Context->intranetdir . '/installer/data/mysql/versions/';
+            my $version_file = $versions_dir . $filename;
+            if ( do $version_file ) {
+                $queries = _get_queries();
+            } else {
+                $$report{$version} = "Load functions in $filename failed";
+            }
+        }
+        default {
+            $$report{$version} = "This extension ($extension) is not take into account (only .pl or .sql)";
+        }
+    }
+    return $report
+        if ( defined $$report{$version} );
+    my $errors;
+    for my $query ( @{$$queries{queries}} ) {
+        eval {
+            check_coherency( $query );
+        };
+        if ( $@ ) {
+            push @$errors, $@
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $errors ) {
+        $_ =~ s/at [^ ]* line \d*\.$// for @$errors;
+        $$report{$version} = $errors;
+        return $report;
+    }
+    $errors = execute ( $queries );
+    $$report{$version} = scalar( @$errors ) ? $errors : "OK";
+    set_infos ( $version, $queries, $errors, $md5 );
+    return $report;
+sub list_versions_availables {
+    my @versions;
+    opendir DH, $VERSIONS_PATH or die "Cannot open directory ($!)";
+    my @files = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ and /^.*\.(sql|pl)$/ and !/^skeleton/ } readdir DH;
+    for my $f ( @files ) {
+        my @file_infos = fileparse( $f, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
+        push @versions, $file_infos[0];
+    }
+    @versions = uniq @versions;
+    closedir DH;
+    return \@versions;
+sub list_versions_already_knows {
+    my $query = qq/ SELECT version, comment, status FROM updatedb_report /;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
+    $sth->execute;
+    my $versions = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+    map {
+        my $version = $_;
+        my @comments = defined $$_{comment} ? split '\\\n', $$_{comment} : "";
+        push @{ $$version{comments} }, { comment => $_ } for @comments;
+        delete $$version{comment};
+    } @$versions;
+    $sth->finish;
+    for my $version ( @$versions ) {
+        $query = qq/ SELECT query FROM updatedb_query WHERE version = ? /;
+        $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
+        $sth->execute( $$version{version} );
+        $$version{queries} = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+        $sth->finish;
+        $query = qq/ SELECT error FROM updatedb_error WHERE version = ? /;
+        $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
+        $sth->execute( $$version{version} );
+        $$version{errors} = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+        $sth->finish;
+    }
+    return $versions;
+sub execute {
+    my ( $queries ) = @_;
+    my @errors;
+    for my $query ( @{$$queries{queries}} ) {
+        eval {
+            $dbh->do( $query );
+        };
+        push @errors, get_error();
+    }
+    return \@errors;
+sub get_tables_name {
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLES");
+    $sth->execute();
+    my @tables;
+    while ( my ( $table ) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+        push @tables, $table;
+    }
+    return \@tables;
+my $tables;
+sub check_coherency {
+    my ( $query ) = @_;
+    $tables = get_tables_name() if not $tables;
+    given ( $query ) {
+        when ( /CREATE TABLE(?:.*?)? `?(\w+)`?/ ) {
+            my $table_name = $1;
+            if ( grep { /$table_name/ } @$tables ) {
+                die "COHERENCY: Table $table_name already exists";
+            }
+        }
+        when ( /ALTER TABLE *`?(\w+)`? *ADD *(?:COLUMN)? `?(\w+)`?/ ) {
+            my $table_name = $1;
+            my $column_name = $2;
+            next if $column_name =~ /(UNIQUE|CONSTRAINT|INDEX|KEY|FOREIGN)/;
+            if ( not grep { /$table_name/ } @$tables ) {
+                return "COHERENCY: Table $table_name does not exist";
+            } else {
+                my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "DESC $table_name $column_name" );
+                my $rv = $sth->execute;
+                if ( $rv > 0 ) {
+                    die "COHERENCY: Field $table_name.$column_name already exists";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        when ( /INSERT INTO `?(\w+)`?.*?VALUES *\((.*?)\)/ ) {
+            my $table_name = $1;
+            my @values = split /,/, $2;
+            s/^ *'// foreach @values;
+            s/' *$// foreach @values;
+            given ( $table_name ) {
+                when ( /systempreferences/ ) {
+                    my $syspref = $values[0];
+                    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM systempreferences WHERE variable = ?" );
+                    $sth->execute( $syspref );
+                    if ( ( my $count = $sth->fetchrow_array ) > 0 ) {
+                        die "COHERENCY: Syspref $syspref already exists";
+                    }
+                }
+                when ( /permissions/){
+                    my $module_bit = $values[0];
+                    my $code = $values[1];
+                    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM permissions WHERE module_bit = ? AND code = ?" );
+                    $sth->execute($module_bit, $code);
+                    if ( ( my $count = $sth->fetchrow_array ) > 0 ) {
+                        die "COHERENCY: Permission $code already exists";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub get_error {
+    my @errors = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{SHOW ERRORS}); # Get errors
+    my @warnings = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{SHOW WARNINGS}); # Get warnings
+    if ( @errors ) { # Catch specifics errors
+        return qq{$errors[0] : $errors[1] => $errors[2]};
+    } elsif ( @warnings ) {
+        return qq{$warnings[0] : $warnings[1] => $warnings[2]}
+            if $warnings[0] ne 'Note';
+    }
+    return;
+sub get_queries {
+    my ( $filepath ) = @_;
+    open my $fh, "<", $filepath;
+    my @queries;
+    my @comments;
+    my $old_delimiter = $/;
+    while ( <$fh> ) {
+        my $line = $_;
+        chomp $line;
+        $line =~ s/^\s*//;
+        if ( $line =~ s/^--(.*)$// ) {
+            push @comments, $1;
+            next;
+        }
+        if ( $line =~ /^delimiter (.*)$/i ) {
+            $/ = $1;
+            next;
+        }
+        $line =~ s#$/##;
+        push @queries, $line if not $line =~ /^\s*$/; # Push if query is not empty
+    }
+    $/ = $old_delimiter;
+    close $fh;
+    return { queries => \@queries, comments => \@comments };
+sub md5_already_exists {
+    my ( $md5 ) = @_;
+    my $query = qq/SELECT version, md5 FROM updatedb_report WHERE md5 = ?/;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
+    $sth->execute( $md5 );
+    my @r;
+    while ( my ( $version, $md5 ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
+        push @r, { version => $version, md5 => $md5 };
+    }
+    $sth->finish;
+    return \@r;
+sub set_infos {
+    my ( $version, $queries, $errors, $md5 ) = @_;
+    #SetVersion($DBversion) if not -s $errors;
+    for my $query ( @{ $$queries{queries} } ) {
+        my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO updatedb_query(version, query) VALUES (?, ?)");
+        $sth->execute( $version, $query );
+        $sth->finish;
+    }
+    for my $error ( @$errors ) {
+        my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO updatedb_error(version, error) VALUES (?, ?)");
+        $sth->execute( $version, $error );
+    }
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO updatedb_report(version, md5, comment, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
+    $sth->execute(
+        $version,
+        $md5,
+        join ('\n', @{ $$queries{comments} }),
+        ( @$errors > 0 ) ? 0 : 1
+    );
+sub mark_as_ok {
+    my ( $version ) = @_;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "UPDATE updatedb_report SET status = 2 WHERE version=?" );
+    my $affected = $sth->execute( $version );
+    if ( $affected < 1 ) {
+        # For "Coherency"
+        my $filepath = get_filepath $version;
+        my $queries = get_queries $filepath;
+        my $errors;
+        for my $query ( @{$$queries{queries}} ) {
+            eval {
+                check_coherency( $query );
+            };
+            if ( $@ ) {
+                push @$errors, $@
+            }
+        }
+        $_ =~ s/at [^ ]* line \d*\.$// for @$errors;
+        my $md5 = get_md5 $filepath;
+        set_infos $version, $queries, $errors, $md5;
+        $sth->execute( $version );
+    }
+    $sth->finish;
+=item TransformToNum
+  Transform the Koha version from a 4 parts string
+  to a number, with just 1 .
+sub TransformToNum {
+    my $version = shift;
+    # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number
+    $version =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
+    return $version;
+sub SetVersion {
+    my $kohaversion = TransformToNum(shift);
+    if ( C4::Context->preference('Version') ) {
+        my $finish = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'");
+        $finish->execute($kohaversion);
+    } else {
+        my $finish = $dbh->prepare(
+"INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. WARNING: Do not change this value manually, it is maintained by the webinstaller')"
+        );
+        $finish->execute($kohaversion);
+    }
diff --git a/admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl b/admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..518785d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 2011 BibLibre
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+=head1 NAME
+this script returns comments for a updatedatabase version
+use Modern::Perl;
+use CGI;
+use C4::Update::Database;
+my $input = new CGI;
+my $version = $input->param('version');
+binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
+print $input->header(-type => 'text/plain', -charset => 'UTF-8');
+my $filepath;
+my $queries;
+eval {
+    $filepath = C4::Update::Database::get_filepath( $version );
+    $queries = C4::Update::Database::get_queries( $filepath );
+if ( $@ ){
+    print $@;
+    exit;
+if ( @{ $$queries{comments} } ) {
+    print "Comments : <br/>" . join ( "<br/>", @{ $$queries{comments} } );
+} else {
+    print "No comment <br/>";
+if ( @{ $$queries{queries} } ) {
+    print "<br/><br/>Queries : <br/>" . join ( "<br/>", @{ $$queries{queries} } );
+} else {
+    print "<br/>No queries";
diff --git a/admin/updatedatabase.pl b/admin/updatedatabase.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..854c759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/updatedatabase.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+use Modern::Perl;
+use CGI;
+use C4::Auth;
+use C4::Output;
+use C4::Update::Database;
+my $query = new CGI;
+my $op = $query->param('op') || 'list';
+my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
+    {   template_name   => "admin/updatedatabase.tmpl",
+        query           => $query,
+        type            => "intranet",
+        authnotrequired => 0,
+        flagsrequired   => { parameters => 1 }, # FIXME Add a new flag
+    }
+if ( $op eq 'update' ) {
+    my @versions = $query->param('version');
+    @versions = sort {
+        C4::Update::Database::TransformToNum( $a ) <=> C4::Update::Database::TransformToNum( $b )
+    } @versions;
+    my @reports;
+    for my $version ( @versions ) {
+        push @reports, C4::Update::Database::execute_version $version;
+    }
+    my @report_loop = map {
+        my ( $v, $r ) = each %$_;
+        my @errors = ref ( $r ) eq 'ARRAY'
+            ?
+                map {
+                    { error => $_ }
+                } @$r
+            :
+                { error => $r };
+        {
+            version => $v,
+            report  => \@errors,
+            coherency => ( ref ( $r ) eq 'ARRAY'
+                ? @$r[0] =~ /COHERENCY/ ? 1 : 0
+                : $r =~ /COHERENCY/ ? 1 : 0 )
+        }
+    } @reports;
+    $template->param( report_loop => \@report_loop );
+    $op = 'list';
+if ( $op eq 'mark_as_ok' ) {
+    my @versions = $query->param('version');
+    C4::Update::Database::mark_as_ok $_ for @versions;
+    $op = 'list';
+if ( $op eq 'list' ) {
+    my $versions_availables = C4::Update::Database::list_versions_availables;
+    my $versions = C4::Update::Database::list_versions_already_knows;
+    for my $v ( @$versions_availables ) {
+        if ( not grep { $v eq $$_{version} } @$versions ) {
+            push @$versions, {
+                version => $v,
+                available => 1
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    my @sorted = sort {
+        C4::Update::Database::TransformToNum( $$a{version} ) <=> C4::Update::Database::TransformToNum( $$b{version} )
+    } @$versions;
+    my @availables = grep { defined $$_{available} and $$_{available} == 1 } @sorted;
+    my @v_availables = map { {version => $$_{version}} } @availables;
+    $template->param(
+        versions => \@sorted,
+        nb_availables => scalar @availables,
+        availables => [ map { {version => $$_{version}} } @availables ],
+    );
+output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
diff --git a/etc/update/database/config.yaml b/etc/update/database/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04717a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/update/database/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+versions_dir: installer/data/mysql/versions
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/update.pl b/installer/data/mysql/update.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deda00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/update.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use Modern::Perl;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Update::Database;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $version;
+my $list;
+    'm:s' => \$version,
+    'l'   => \$list,
+if ( $version ) {
+    my $report = C4::Update::Database::execute_version($version);
+if ( $list ) {
+    my $versions = C4::Update::Database::list_versions_availables();
+    say "Versions availables:";
+    say "\t- $_" for @$versions;
+    $versions = C4::Update::Database::list_versions_already_knows();
+    say "Versions already knows:";
+    say "\t- $$_{version}" for @$versions;
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl b/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl
index 815a71d..e1841fd 100755
--- a/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl
@@ -4550,6 +4550,21 @@ if (C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion)) {
     SetVersion ($DBversion);
+$DBversion = "3.06.00.XXX";
+if (C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion)) {
+    $dbh->do(qq{
+        CREATE TABLE `updatedb_error` ( `version` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `error` text ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8;
+    });
+    $dbh->do(qq{
+        CREATE TABLE `updatedb_query` ( `version` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `query` text ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8;
+    });
+    $dbh->do(qq{
+        CREATE TABLE `updatedb_report` ( `version` text, `md5` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `comment` text, `status` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8;
+    });
+    print "Upgrade to $DBversion done (Add tables for new updatedatabase version)\n";
+    SetVersion ($DBversion);
 =head2 DropAllForeignKeys($table)
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.pl b/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27ecde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+use Modern::Perl;
+use C4::Update::Database;
+sub _get_queries {
+    my @queries = (
+        qq{INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('bar1')},
+        qq{INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('bar2')},
+    );
+    my @comments = (
+        qq{This is a test},
+    );
+    return { queries => \@queries, comments => \@comments };
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.sql b/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11d1cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/versions/skeleton.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+-- This is a comment
+INSERT INTO foo values("bar");
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/staff-global.css b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/staff-global.css
index 7b38062..0a623e3 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/staff-global.css
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/staff-global.css
@@ -2080,4 +2080,12 @@ div.pager input.pagedisplay {
 	background-color : transparent;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	text-align : center;
\ No newline at end of file
+tr.dragClass td {
+    background-color: grey;
+    color: yellow;
+.underline {
+    text-decoration : underline;
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/admin-home.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/admin-home.tt
index fe76ae8..760d235 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/admin-home.tt
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/admin-home.tt
@@ -98,6 +98,13 @@
 	<dt><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/z3950servers.pl">Z39.50 Client Targets</a></dt>
 	<dd>Define which servers to query for MARC data in the integrated Z39.50 client.</dd>
+<h3>Update Database</h3>
+    <dt><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/updatedatabase.pl">Check your updates</a></dt>
+    <dd>Verify your database versions and execute new updates</dd>
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/updatedatabase.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/updatedatabase.tt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab5e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/updatedatabase.tt
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
+<title>Koha › Administration › Update Database</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[% themelang %]/css/datatables.css" />
+[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]
+<script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/js/datatables.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ //<![CDATA[
+    $(document).ready(function() {
+        $("#versionst").dataTable({
+            'bAutoWidth': false,
+            'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers'
+        } );
+    } );
+    function see_details(a){
+        var div = $(a).siblings('div');
+        $(div).slideToggle("fast", function() { 
+            var isVisible = $(div).is(":visible");
+            if ( isVisible ){$(a).text("Hide details");}else{$(a).text("Show details");}
+        } );
+    }
+    function get_infos(version, node){
+        $.ajax({
+            url: "/cgi-bin/koha/admin/ajax-updatedb-getinfos.pl",
+            data: {
+                version: version
+            },
+            success: function(data){
+                $(node).replaceWith(data);
+            },
+        });
+    }
+[% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %]
+[% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]
+<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> › <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/admin-home.pl">Administration</a> › Update Database</div>
+<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
+   <div id="bd">
+    <div id="yui-main">
+    <div class="yui-b">
+    <h2>Update Database</h2>
+    [% IF report_loop %]
+    <div class="report" style="display:block; margin:1em;">
+        Report :
+        <ul>
+        [% FOREACH report_loo IN report_loop %]
+            <li>
+                [% report_loo.version %] --
+                [% FOREACH r IN report_loo.report %]
+                    [% r.error %];
+                [% END %]
+                [% IF report_loo.coherency %]
+                    [<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/updatedatabase.pl?op=mark_as_ok&version=[% version %]">Mark as OK</a>]
+                [% END %]
+            </li>
+        [% END %]
+        </ul>
+    </div>
+    [% END %]
+    <span class="infos" style="display:block; margin:1em;">
+        [% IF nb_availables %]
+            [% nb_availables %] versions are availables [ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/updatedatabase.pl?op=update[% FOREACH av IN availables %]&version=[% av.version %][% END %]">UPDATE</a> ]
+        [% ELSE %]
+            Your database is up to date
+        [% END %]
+    </span>
+    <table id="versionst">
+        <thead>
+            <tr>
+                <th>Version</th>
+                <th>Comments</th>
+                <th>Status</th>
+                <th>Launch</th>
+                <th>Details</th>
+            </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        [% FOREACH v IN versions %]
+            <tr>
+                <td>[% v.version %]</td>
+                <td>
+                    <ul class="comments">
+                    [% FOREACH c IN comments %]
+                        <li>[% c.comment %]</li>
+                    [% END %]
+                    </ul>
+                </td>
+                <td>
+                    [% IF v.available %]
+                        Unknown
+                    [% ELSE %]
+                        [% IF v.status %]
+                            <span style="color:green;">OK</span>
+                            [% IF v.status == 2 %]
+                                [FORCED]
+                            [% END %]
+                        [% ELSE %]
+                            <span style="color:red;">Failed</span>
+                        [% END %]
+                    [% END %]
+                </td>
+                <td>
+                    [% IF v.available %]
+                        Available
+                        [<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/updatedatabase.pl?op=update&version=[% v.version %]">Execute</a>]
+                    [% ELSE %]
+                        Already executed
+                    [% END %]
+                </td>
+                <td>
+                    <div class="details" style="display:none;">
+                        [% IF v.available %]
+                            Unknown
+                            <span style="display:block;"><a href="#" onclick="get_infos('[% v.version %]', this); return false;">Get comments</a></span>
+                        [% ELSE %]
+                            <div class="queries" style="display:block;">
+                                <span class="underline">Queries</span> :
+                                <ul>
+                                [% FOREACH q IN v.queries %]
+                                    <li>[% q.query %]</li>
+                                [% END %]
+                                </ul>
+                            </div>
+                            [% IF v.status == 1 %]
+                                <div class="status" style="display:block;">
+                                    <span class="underline">Status</span> :
+                                    <span style="color:green;">OK</span>
+                                </div>
+                            [% ELSE %]
+                                <div class="status" style="display:block;">
+                                    <span class="underline">Status</span> :
+                                    [% IF v.status == 2 %]
+                                        <span style="color:green;">OK</span>
+                                        [FORCED]
+                                    [% ELSE %]
+                                        <span style="color:red;">Failed</span>
+                                        [<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/updatedatabase.pl?op=mark_as_ok&version=[% v.version %]">Mark as OK</a>]
+                                    [% END %]
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="errors" style="display:block;">
+                                    <span class="underline">Errors</span> :
+                                    <ul class="errors">
+                                    [% FOREACH e IN v.errors %]
+                                        <li>[% e.error %]</li>
+                                    [% END %]
+                                    </ul>
+                                </div>
+                            [% END %]
+                        [% END %]
+                    </div>
+                    <a href="#" onclick="see_details(this);return false;">Show details</a>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+        [% END %]
+        </tbody>
+    </table>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>

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