[Patches] [PATCH] Bug 6997: Koha-remove leaves system in inconsistent state

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Fri Nov 25 10:35:02 NZDT 2011

From: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins at cpbibliography.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 08:11:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 6997: Koha-remove leaves system in inconsistent state

If you accidentally delete one of the files that koha-remove is supposed to
remove, when koha-remove reaches that point in the script, it will die, leaving
later removal steps undone. This patch fixes the problem by checking for the
existence of each file prior to deleting it, so that short of an actual problem
with removing the file, the script can continue. Note that the fix for bug 6929
is also needed to prevent any problems with stopping Zebra from killing

Signed-off-by: Dobrica Pavlinusic <dpavlin at rot13.org>
 debian/scripts/koha-remove |   32 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/scripts/koha-remove b/debian/scripts/koha-remove
index 10a8b78..b9e5c2a 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/koha-remove
+++ b/debian/scripts/koha-remove
@@ -31,17 +31,27 @@ FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
     koha-stop-zebra $name
-    rm "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$name"
-    rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/koha-conf.xml"
-    rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-biblios.cfg"
-    rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities.cfg"
-    rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg"
-    rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra.passwd"
-    rmdir "/etc/koha/sites/$name"
-    rm -r "/var/lock/koha/$name"
-    rm -r "/var/log/koha/$name"
-    rm -r "/var/run/koha/$name"
-    deluser --quiet "$name-koha"
+    [ -f "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$name" ]  && \
+        rm "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$name"
+    [ -f "/etc/koha/sites/$name/koha-conf.xml" ] && \
+        rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/koha-conf.xml"
+    [ -f "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-biblios.cfg" ] && \
+        rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-biblios.cfg"
+    [ -f "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities.cfg" ] && \
+        rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities.cfg"
+    [ -f "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg" ] && \
+        rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg"
+    [ -f "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra.passwd" ] && \
+        rm "/etc/koha/sites/$name/zebra.passwd"
+    [ -d "/etc/koha/sites/$name" ] && \
+        rmdir "/etc/koha/sites/$name"
+    [ -d "/var/lock/koha/$name" ] && \
+        rm -r "/var/lock/koha/$name"
+    [ -d "/var/log/koha/$name" ] && \
+        rm -r "/var/log/koha/$name"
+    [ -d "/var/run/koha/$name" ] && \
+        rm -r "/var/run/koha/$name"
+    getent passwd "$name-koha" > /dev/null && deluser --quiet "$name-koha"
     a2dissite "$name"

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