[Patches] [PATCH] Bug 6858: Adds staticfines.pl for static fines processing
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From: Matthias Meusburger <matthias.meusburger at biblibre.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:19:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 6858: Adds staticfines.pl for static fines processing
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Add a tool to calculate static fine. For example, 7 days left = 1€ fixed fine
misc/cronjobs/staticfines.pl | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 misc/cronjobs/staticfines.pl
diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/staticfines.pl b/misc/cronjobs/staticfines.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dfe1e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/cronjobs/staticfines.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# This script loops through each overdue item, determines the fine,
+# and updates the total amount of fines due by each user. It relies on
+# the existence of /tmp/fines, which is created by ???
+# Doesnt really rely on it, it relys on being able to write to /tmp/
+# It creates the fines file
+# This script is meant to be run nightly out of cron.
+# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# FIXME: use FinesMode as described or change syspref description
+use strict;
+#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
+ # find Koha's Perl modules
+ # test carefully before changing this
+ use FindBin;
+ eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" };
+use Date::Calc qw/Date_to_Days/;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Circulation;
+use C4::Overdues;
+use C4::Calendar qw(); # don't need any exports from Calendar
+use C4::Biblio;
+use C4::Debug; # supplying $debug and $cgi_debug
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::MoreUtils qw/none/;
+my $help = 0;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $output_dir;
+my @pcategories;
+my @categories;
+my %catamounts;
+my @libraries;
+my $delay;
+my $useborrowerlibrary;
+my $borrowersalreadyapplied; # hashref of borrowers for whom we already applied the fine, so it's only applied once
+my $debug = 0;
+my $bigdebug = 0;
+ 'h|help' => \$help,
+ 'v|verbose' => \$verbose,
+ 'o|out:s' => \$output_dir,
+ 'c|category:s'=> \@pcategories,
+ 'l|library:s' => \@libraries,
+ 'd|delay:i' => \$delay,
+ 'u|use-borrower-library' => \$useborrowerlibrary
+my $usage = << 'ENDUSAGE';
+This script calculates and charges overdue fines
+to patron accounts. If the Koha System Preference
+'finesMode' is set to 'production', the fines are charged
+to the patron accounts. If set to 'test', the fines are
+calculated but not applied.
+This script has the following parameters :
+ -h --help: this message
+ -o --out: ouput directory for logs (defaults to env or /tmp if !exist)
+ -v --verbose
+ -c --category borrower_category,amount (repeatable)
+ -l --library (repeatable)
+ -d --delay
+ -u --use-borrower-libraray: use borrower's libraray, regardless of the CircControl syspref
+die $usage if $help;
+# Processing categories
+foreach (@pcategories) {
+ my ($category, $amount) = split(',', $_);
+ push @categories, $category;
+ $catamounts{$category} = $amount;
+use vars qw(@borrower_fields @item_fields @other_fields);
+use vars qw($fldir $libname $control $mode $delim $dbname $today $today_iso $today_days);
+use vars qw($filename);
+ @borrower_fields = qw(cardnumber categorycode surname firstname email phone address citystate);
+ @item_fields = qw(itemnumber barcode date_due);
+ @other_fields = qw(type days_overdue fine);
+ $libname = C4::Context->preference('LibraryName');
+ $control = C4::Context->preference('CircControl');
+ $mode = C4::Context->preference('finesMode');
+ $dbname = C4::Context->config('database');
+ $delim = "\t"; # ? C4::Context->preference('delimiter') || "\t";
+ $debug and print "Each line will contain the following fields:\n",
+ "From borrowers : ", join( ', ', @borrower_fields ), "\n",
+ "From items : ", join( ', ', @item_fields ), "\n",
+ "Per overdue: ", join( ', ', @other_fields ), "\n",
+ "Delimiter: '$delim'\n";
+my $data = Getoverdues();
+my $overdueItemsCounted = 0;
+my %calendars = ();
+$today = C4::Dates->new();
+$today_iso = $today->output('iso');
+$today_days = Date_to_Days( split( /-/, $today_iso ) );
+if ($output_dir) {
+ $fldir = $output_dir if ( -d $output_dir );
+} else {
+ $fldir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
+if ( !-d $fldir ) {
+ warn "Could not write to $fldir ... does not exist!";
+$filename = $dbname;
+$filename =~ s/\W//;
+$filename = $fldir . '/' . $filename . '_' . $today_iso . ".log";
+print "writing to $filename\n" if $verbose;
+open( FILE, ">$filename" ) or die "Cannot write file $filename: $!";
+print FILE join $delim, ( @borrower_fields, @item_fields, @other_fields );
+print FILE "\n";
+for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@$data) ; $i++ ) {
+ my $datedue;
+ my $datedue_days;
+ eval {
+ $datedue = C4::Dates->new( $data->[$i]->{'date_due'}, 'iso' );
+ $datedue_days = Date_to_Days( split( /-/, $datedue->output('iso') ) );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn "Error on date for borrower " . $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} . ": $@date_due: " . $data->[$i]->{'date_due'} . "\ndatedue_days: " . $datedue_days . "\nSkipping";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $due_str = $datedue->output();
+ unless ( defined $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR in Getoverdues line $i: issues.borrowernumber IS NULL. Repair 'issues' table now! Skipping record.\n";
+ next; # Note: this doesn't solve everything. After NULL borrowernumber, multiple issues w/ real borrowernumbers can pile up.
+ }
+ my $borrower = BorType( $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} );
+ # Skipping borrowers that are not in @categories
+ $bigdebug and warn "Skipping borrower from category " . $borrower->{categorycode} if none { $borrower->{categorycode} eq $_ } @categories;
+ next if none { $borrower->{categorycode} eq $_ } @categories;
+ my $branchcode =
+ ( $useborrowerlibrary ) ? $borrower->{branchcode}
+ : ( $control eq 'ItemHomeLibrary' ) ? $data->[$i]->{homebranch}
+ : ( $control eq 'PatronLibrary' ) ? $borrower->{branchcode}
+ : $data->[$i]->{branchcode};
+ # In final case, CircControl must be PickupLibrary. (branchcode comes from issues table here).
+ # Skipping branchcodes that are not in @libraries
+ $bigdebug and warn "Skipping library $branchcode" if none { $branchcode eq $_ } @libraries;
+ next if none { $branchcode eq $_ } @libraries;
+ my $calendar;
+ unless ( defined( $calendars{$branchcode} ) ) {
+ $calendars{$branchcode} = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode );
+ }
+ $calendar = $calendars{$branchcode};
+ my $isHoliday = $calendar->isHoliday( split '/', $today->output('metric') );
+ # Reassing datedue_days if -delay specified in commandline
+ $bigdebug and warn "Using commandline supplied delay : $delay" if ($delay);
+ $datedue_days += $delay if ($delay);
+ ( $datedue_days <= $today_days ) or next; # or it's not overdue, right?
+ $overdueItemsCounted++;
+ my ( $amount, $type, $daycounttotal, $daycount ) = CalcFine( $data->[$i], $borrower->{'categorycode'}, $branchcode, undef, undef, $datedue, $today );
+ # Reassign fine's amount if specified in command-line
+ $amount = %catamounts->{$borrower->{'categorycode'}} if (defined %catamounts->{$borrower->{'categorycode'}});
+ # FIXME: $type NEVER gets populated by anything.
+ ( defined $type ) or $type = '';
+ # Don't update the fine if today is a holiday.
+ # This ensures that dropbox mode will remove the correct amount of fine.
+ if ( $mode eq 'production' and !$isHoliday and !$borrowersalreadyapplied->{$data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}}) {
+ $debug and warn "Updating fine for borrower " . $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} . " with amount : $amount";
+ UpdateFine( $data->[$i]->{'itemnumber'}, $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}, $amount, $type, $due_str ) if ( $amount > 0 );
+ $borrowersalreadyapplied->{$data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}} = 1;
+ }
+ my @cells = ();
+ push @cells, map { $borrower->{$_} } @borrower_fields;
+ push @cells, map { $data->[$i]->{$_} } @item_fields;
+ push @cells, $type, $daycounttotal, $amount;
+ print FILE join( $delim, @cells ), "\n";
+my $numOverdueItems = scalar(@$data);
+if ($verbose) {
+ print <<EOM;
+Fines assessment -- $today_iso -- Saved to $filename
+Number of Overdue Items:
+ counted $overdueItemsCounted
+ reported $numOverdueItems
+close FILE;
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