[Patches] [PATCH] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 6804: if IndependantBranches &

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Sat Nov 5 02:35:03 NZDT 2011

From: Ian Walls <ian.walls at bywatersolutions.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 11:38:51 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 6804: if IndependantBranches &
 AutoLocation, OPAC login redirect fails

AutoLocation should only apply to the staff client login, but when IndependantBranches
was activated, it applied to the OPAC login, as well.  Login was not prevented, but the
patron was greeted with another login prompt, instead of the My Summary page.  Very confusing.

This patch adds a check for whether this is an OPAC login before executing the particular code
that was causing this.

To test:
1.  Enable IndependantBranches & AutoLocation (be sure your branches have IP ranges configured!)
2.  Select a staff account, and note the branch
3.  Attempt to login to the staff client from within the IP range for the branch: this should work
4.  Attempt to login to the staff client from outside the IP range:  this should be blocked
5.  Attempt to login to the OPAC from within the IP range: this should work
6.  Attempt to login to the OPAC from outside the IP range: this should also work

Signed-off-by: Sophie Meynieux <sophie.meynieux at biblibre.com>
 C4/Auth.pm |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/Auth.pm b/C4/Auth.pm
index e360e10..b5b50f4 100755
--- a/C4/Auth.pm
+++ b/C4/Auth.pm
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ sub checkauth {
 						$branchname = GetBranchName($branchcode);
 					my $branches = GetBranches();
-					if (C4::Context->boolean_preference('IndependantBranches') && C4::Context->boolean_preference('Autolocation')){
+					if (C4::Context->boolean_preference('IndependantBranches') && C4::Context->boolean_preference('Autolocation') && ($type ne 'opac') ){
 						# we have to check they are coming from the right ip range
 						my $domain = $branches->{$branchcode}->{'branchip'};
 						if ($ip !~ /^$domain/){

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